Measuring ad effectiveness should be intuitive, transparent and respectful of privacy.

Discover our cookie-less methodology to measure and optimize all your medias’ investments easily. Access top and middle funnel ROI indicators based on people's perception in media environments adapted to your broadcast.

Your advertising objective, our customizable models

We have designed templates to cover each campaign goal. From single ad campaigns to comprehensive multichannel plans.
  • Use combinations of key metrics for advertisers;
  • Compare your results with a comprehensive benchmark of similar campaigns;
  • Easily launch your Brand lifts by entering campaign-specific data only.
Feature Your advertising objective, our customizable models

The only methodology that can be used on all media

Our Brand lifts are based on methods that can be adapted to all conventional and digital communication channels, whose performance is often complex to measure and compare:
  • Cookie/ID less technology;
  • Embedding retargeting pixels;
  • ID/IP batch.
Feature The only methodology that can be used on all media

Responses are spontaneous, anonymous and unpaid

Our tool surveys billions of people in advertising environments. It ensures sample representativity and quality by eliminating behavioral biases:
  • Simultaneous distribution to all countries;
  • Random, anonymous and unpaid contributions;
  • GDPR compliance guarantee from audience providers.
Feature Responses are spontaneous, anonymous and unpaid

We collect data close to your audiences broadcast

We use 3 complementary, automated methods to ensure that your surveys are distributed in the media environments that are most relevant to your campaign:
  • Context: based on the target's likely interests;
  • Semantics: based on a list of relevant keywords calculated by an algorithm;
  • Database: based on audience pools with anonymized (ID) data.
Feature We collect data close to your audiences broadcast

Strict, automated data quality control

Our proprietary algorithm detects and eliminates low-quality responses based on the respondent's text, speed and behavioral tags:
  • Geo-based location verification;
  • Robot detection;
  • Response time and inconsistency analysis;
  • Automated verbatim processing;
  • Respondent de-duplication and quarantine.
Feature Strict, automated data quality control

Turning data into actionable metrics

At a glance, you have access to all your campaign's performance data on the platform, without the need for additional analysis.
  • Maximize your ROI with proprietary indicators
  • Identify all the uplifts generated on the brand;
  • Compare each result to +15000 benchmarks;
  • Access to response details;
  • Invite your team to your dashboard, and share your interactive report link with a single click, or download it as a PDF.
Feature Turning data into actionable metrics
It's a key growth driver to reassure and convince advertisers.Raphael RodierRaphael RodierGlobal Chief Revenue Officer @ Ogury

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